In English
Elaine King, CFP® is the founder of Family and Money Matters™, with the mission of empowering the family’s financial and human capital to achieve financial wellbeing. She has served as the Family’s Financial Planner for over 1,200 families and 100 multigenerational family enterprises crafting actionable family financial plans.
Elaine is a Financial Education advocate, with over 19,000 students online, creator of the first family financial program in LATAM, and winner of the Best Latin book award. She was recognized in 2023 as Investopedia's Top 10 Financial Advisor and in 2017 as People Magazine’s Top 25 Influential Hispanic Women. Elaine is a Forbes Advisor Board Member and has been featured in the WSJ, CNN, Telemundo, Univision and is a columnist for financial journals in the US and LATAM.
En Español
Elaine King, CFP® es fundadora de Family and Money Matters ™, con la misión de empoderar el capital financiero y humano de la familia para lograr el bienestar financiero. Se ha desempeñado como la Planificadora Financiera de la Familia para más de 1200 familias y 100 empresas familiares multigeneracionales que elaboran planes financieros familiares.
Elaine es promotora de la educación financiera, con mas de 19,000 alumnos online, creadora del primer programa financiero familiar en LATAM y ganadora del premio Best Latin Book. Fue reconocida en 2023 por Investopedia como uno de los 10 Mejores Asesores Financieros y en 2017 por People Magazine como una de las 25 mujeres hispanas más influyentes. Elaine es parte de Forbes Advisory Board y ha aparecido en WSJ, CNN ,Telemundo, Univision y es columnista de revistas financieras en EE. UU. Y LATAM.
How Elaine Got Started
I was born in the beautiful country of Peru during the longest economic and politically volatile period; record-high inflation rates, terrorism, and national curfews. Lived, studied, and worked in Canada, Mexico, Austria, Japan, and throughout the United States. Learned to love culture, to appreciate diversity, and six different languages.
At 17 years old, I left home, traveled overseas with luggage and my golf clubs, and survived New York City upon graduating from college in 3 years. For over 18 years, I was fortunate to go up the corporate ladder of the largest and most powerful financial institutions in the world, advising international families with actionable strategies for a healthy financial plan, structure, and governance. And during this time created my foundation.
Whether you are looking to organize and plan your finances, put together a family-focused educational workshop or just align your asset allocation to your values, our talented team can help you.
I would love to have the opportunity to hear your story and plan together with you and your family.
Founder Family and Money Matters™